Bravo News – 48 Seconds

Posted by on Oct 28, 2011 in Press | One Comment

On October 27, 2005, Arthouse Gallery and Susan Standfield produced an innovative art exhibition featuring photographs taken by the children of the SHERP orphanage in Maralal Kenya in collaboration with a distinguished group of contemporary artists from various disciplines. The artists chose photographs to make into an original artwork.

As curator I’m thrilled and honoured to have such an overwhelming response from a unique and hugely talented group of artists. The combination of humanity and creativity in the resulting art is exceptional.

The exhibition has been designed as a tool to help alleviate poverty in Kenya by nurturing and celebrating the artistic skills of the orphans while supporting and featuring the talents of the participating artists.

1 Comment

  1. Simon
    October 28, 2011

    What a fantastic idea, I wish I was in town for this one.. Next time!


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