

Posted by on Apr 24, 2012 in Photography | No Comments

Went to the opening Friday April 20th of Exhibit-B. A great student photography exhibit curated by Katie Huismann. Kudos to Katie for inspiring such talent and showcasing her students at a first class exhibit. The show is open until May 12th- Do go by and have a look. Gallery hours and details below.

Konstantin Dimopoulos

Konstantin Dimopoulos

Posted by on Nov 22, 2011 in Photography | No Comments

Watch this short film of artist and environmentalist Konstantin Dimopoulos and the subject of deforestation. Filmed by 12-year old award-winning film-maker, Miranda Andersen, from Vancouver, Canada. Miranda filmed this when Konstantin created The Blue Trees at the Vancouver Biennale earlier this year.

Chris Jordan

Chris Jordan

Posted by on Nov 2, 2011 in Photography | No Comments

Chris is a hugely talented photographer who specializes in large-scale works that depict the magnitude of our consumerism and its impact on our environment. Although disturbing – everyone should watch this and think before you buy something with plastic.